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Greetings and many blessings to each of you.
It is with much grattude that I join with you this day. While we can acknowledge there has been an expansiveness of heart energy as many of your population celebrate the day of love, we also acknowledge there is still much turmoil on your world. We ask that you dwell not on the turmoil but bring your focus to yourself and the love that is within you.
As has been shared before, love is one of the most powerful frequencies on your planet. But it is not just the romantic love of which we speak, it is the greater love, the all encompassing unconditional love. Understand that that is where you have come from. We understand it is not quite so easy to maintain the vibration of unconditional love while you are in a place that is perhaps not quite so light.
You are here to experience all of the other forms of love. For unconditional love is where you have come from. But it is very much a part of you. You can tune in and connect with that aspect. But we ask that you focus not only on sharing your love with others. You are also important. Remember Dear Ones, while your world is talking about romantic love, to find the unconditional love within yourself, and direct it to your self. For you are so worthy of receiving unconditional love. You have each head experiences where you understand that not everyone can offer that to you. So it becomes even more important to offer it to yourselves. Maybe there is a little forgiveness required. A casting aside of the self judgment, the self doubt, the beliefs of not quite good enough. I reassure you now dear one, you are more than good enough and you are so worthy of receiving this love. Allow it to flow freely through you and to you.
Focus for a moment on your hearts dear ones. Set your intention to hold the space for your self, in unconditional love. Oh it is possible. You absolutely have the space, the ability, and the capacity to do so. Cast aside those beliefs that say you can't. Cast aside that which says you are not worthy for it is not truth. As you bathe your heart and yourselves in this energy of pure unconditional love, focus on what your heart is doing. Can you feel the openness Dear One? Can you feel the expansion of your heart, Dear Ones? This is the natural state of your being.
I invite you to sit with this, for some moments. Knowing that you are truly worthy of receiving. Just as much as you are worthy of giving.
Cast aside the judgements. Cast aside the doubts. Breathe In unconditional love. That is the love that source has for you. That is the love that we have for you. That is the love that You have for you.
Imagine what your day could look like if you carry this unconditional love with you. Imagine if you can hold this space for yourselves as you interact with others. Feel the power dear ones. Feel that strength. Are you feeling invincible yet? Oh don't worry, Dear Ones, with practice, it will come.
Take a moment and share this love with your planet. If there is any aspect of your life, or any aspect you are aware of on your world at this time that could use a boost, allow this beautiful energy to expand from you and reach those places.
I leave you now Dear Ones, with this lightness and expandedness in your heart.
With much love and many, many blessings.
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