You are not going crazy. There is a great deal of energy and light arriving into your planet at this time. There is the energy associated with the full moon. There is the energy coming from the eclipse, and there have been flares from your Central sun. All of this leads to an influx in light and light codes. It would benefit you greatly at this time to ensure you are receiving adequate rest. To ensure that you are remaining well hydrated. And to ensure you are open to receiving all that is possible for you to receive at this time.
There are many of you who are resisting this energy. That will create for you, physical discomfort. Which is not so bad on its own, but a messenger to you, that there is some resistance in your physical body to receiving this information and this light at this time.
Be open to receiving all that is for you in accordance with your divine plan and for your highest good. And feel how the energy then shifts for you.
Ask your own inner wisdom how best to utilize this new energy. Is it time to start that project you have been putting off? Is it time to solidify whatever it is you have been working on? Or is it time to go within and feel into what might be next.
The seasons are changing for you. You are coming into a time of slowing down. Hibernation I believe you call it. While it is not necessary, nor is it wise, for you to completely hibernate in your next season, it is a time for slowing down.
If you think of how best your garden responds to these seasons - you are gathering the leaves. You are creating compost. You are creating fertile ground. With this fertile ground you may be guided to plant seeds, knowing that these seeds will rest over the winter. They will gather all their strength and their energy and they will come forth in the spring when the light returns. Do not fear the darkness of winter dear ones. It is the most perfect time for slowing down and going within. Seeking your innermost guidance as to what is next on your journey. The Autumn is for gathering that which creates fertile ground for this to happen. You may be receiving insights, awarenesses, new ideas. Planting them now is perfect. They will gather strength and resources over the winter. They will gather their energy and burst forth in the spring. The winter is time for slow growth. All of those trees above ground grow more slowly in the winter, if at all. They are still there. They are still living. But they do slow right down. Bringing this into your awareness will allow you to flow with the flow of life and energy. Do not fight against this dear ones for you will, as you say, hit your head on the wall.
Allow yourself to slow down, learn, percolate, digest and burst forth with new knowledge and ideas and plans in the spring. Autumn, the season you are currently in is ripe for letting things go. As you let things go think of the leaves dear ones. If the trees did not let them go, there would be no fertile soil in which new ideas can bloom. The same goes for you. Let go all that is no longer in service to you. Allow that to provide the ground for the next phase of your journey.
So you are coming into a time of slowing down. Do not fear this dear ones for you have been planted.
Much love and many, many blessings.

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