Slow down. Pause. Be still and you will hear me. Hear my heart beat. The same slow rhythm of yours. Know that we are one.
When you are still and you are listening, you will hear me clearly. You will know what you are being called to do. You will know that which you seek. You will know to tread lightly, and you will know how.
You have known all along, but now you can feel it. The same life force that runs through your veins, runs through me. We are connected you and I.
The love I have for you is infinite. Please know you are supposed to be here at this time. Know that you can make the change. You are experiencing a new way of living, and you will know what needs to be done, how to move forward.
I ask you to take the time you have been given, listen to your yearnings, and listen to me.
We want the same.
We are one and the same.