love_for_the_world_9th_april.m4a |
We thank you for choosing to connect this day.
We would encourage each of you to hold the world in your heart. The world needs love. Not just the beings dwelling upon and around her, but the world herself needs love.
If you have a moment, please take a nice…deep…breath.
Allow yourself to connect with the Divine light, the energies of Source, the energies of Home. As you breathe in, allow yourself to sense these energies flowing through your body.
Being aware as they reach every cell, every particle, every aspect of your Being. Allow this energy to flow….completely…through you. Allowing it to continue the journey down… right down until it joins you with the giant crystal in the centre of the Earth…
Allow yourself to be aware of the loving, and nurturing energies of Mother Earth. Allow them to flow through you, around you, enveloping you with their love.
Know in this moment, you are indeed one, with the planet you call home….
Allow the energies from mother Earth, and the energies from Source, join together in the centre of your chest. Allow your heart to really sense, both of these energies present within your body.
And as you feel the presence of these energies, you will have the awareness that they grow and expand….
Our request of you today is a simple one. Allow the expanded energies from your heart to continue growing and expanding, until they have enveloped the entire planet and all life dwelling here.
Know that each of you holding the world in this Love energy in this now moment of time, are being strengthened by those of you who do this exercise in another moment of time. All of the energies come together as one.
Holding your beloved planet in this embrace for a moment or two longer….then with a nice deep breath, feel grateful that you have added to the light of the world this day.
Bring your awareness now back to your body, the space where you are…feeling your feet on the floor… Take another deep breath, and if your eyes were closed, open them, bring yourself back to this now moment.
A very simple exercise, with much more power than you may realise. If each of you take the time to do this each day, you may be surprised at the changes that occur. Do not underestimate the power in the simplicity. And know that while you may be but one aspect of the divine here on earth, you are joined by all aspects of the divine here on earth.
You are more powerful than you know. You are not listening to this by accident. You have not merely stumbled upon this. You agreed to shine your light on this planet, and this is merely but one way you can do so.
That is all for today Dear One.
With much love and many many blessings upon you.