Every now and again, events occur either directly in our lives or in our community which send us into a space of fear. The stress response kicks in, and we retreat to protect ourselves. This is quite a normal and expected response.
Most people move through this fairly quickly, once the event has passed, and resume their normal lives. Others though, remain “stuck” in this space of fear, unable to move through it.
One of the ways we can move through this fear, is to take the time to truly connect with ourselves, allowing us to feel the full spectrum of our emotions in a nurturing and protective space. Just because we are “all grown up” it doesn’t mean that we no longer need the same level of support that we used to.
The goal is to nurture and support ourselves in the way most appropriate for each of us. This sounds simple enough right? But if I ask you, if you are connected to yourself, and if you truly know what it is you need right in this moment, would you be able to answer from your heart?
There are a myriad of ways we can connect to ourselves, these are some of the ways that work for me:
Journal - Writing your thoughts and feelings in a journal can be cathartic. Don’t hold back on sharing your feelings. Allow yourself to feel them as they arise, but let them move through you. Emotions are energy in motion. Dwelling on them can cause them to become “stuck”, creating problems later on. At the end of your journal entry, write to yourself as a trusted confidant would. Validate your feelings, allow yourself to be truly heard, acknowledging the courage you had to share your true thoughts.
Relax - There are as many ways to relax as there are people on this planet. Finding the method that works for you is the important thing. When we are stressed, our bodies enter “fight flight mode”, a perfectly normal response designed to keep us safe. Ensuring we return to “rest and restore mode” is paramount. In rest and restore is when our inherent healing system is activated, bringing about a state of balance to both the body and mind.
- Soaking in a bath with epsom salts and essential oils such as lavender or cedarwood
- Strolling along the beach or through the woods
- Indulging in a massage or a reiki session
- Meditation - I recommend the app “Insight Timer” for guided meditations
- Yoga - gentle exercise connecting the body, mind and spirit
- Deep belly breathing
- Getting creative - drawing/craft/knitting etc
Create a morning self care routine - The secret here is finding what works for you. We are all unique individuals, with unique needs. Some things to consider, are moments of gratitude, meditation, taking time for a cuppa or a journal session. My morning consists of a gratitude statement, and self healing while still in bed, followed by savouring a nice cup of coffee. My day starts calm and centred so I am better able to cope with what the day may throw at me. When potential moments of stress hit, they don’t hit so hard.
You can ask - Have you ever asked yourself what it is that you need? Take a moment, place your hand on your heart, breathe deep, bringing your awareness to your heartspace. You may want to close your eyes. Simply ask yourself what it is you need in this moment. The answer may seem simple, but the important thing, is to honour whatever answer you get.
It really doesn’t take long, but taking moments for connection with ourselves daily is true self care. It serves to keep us balanced, and centred, and allows our bodies to work at their optimum.
Happy Connecting! x