If you prefer to listen, the audio files for the journey, and also the full messge are below
Greetings and blessings dear ones,
There are many of you feeling heavy, feeling the density, feeling overwhelmed and tired, and we also know this is not your natural state. It is also not the state that you desire to be in.
It is important to look to the choices you are making, and always choosing that which feels lighter or more exciting. Both choices may feel fairly dull, but one of them will feel ever so slightly more exciting than the other.
So it is about choosing in each little moment that which brings you more joy or more excitement or more lightness. Even if it is not by much. For when you are choosing that which brings lightness you are choosing that which lightens your soul. When you are making those choices, you are staying true to your path and your purpose. When the world seems heavy look for the light.
Join with me dear one close your eyes and take a slow deep breath for today we will journey...
Guided journey to the Healing Temple begins at 2:38 and ends at 14:08
Message continues...
It is important dear ones that you take time for you. There is so much occurring on your world. There is pressure that you place upon yourselves to just keep going. To just keep doing. We understand that the doing allows your own world to keep turning, but we wish to remind you dear ones, it is equally as important to create time to just be. Allow yourselves to be in the stillness of a moment. For just a few moments. Just a few times in a day.
For to your soul dear ones the being is just as important as the doing. It is no accident that you are labeled as human beings. You are not human doings. Even your top athletes must rest as part of their training. Resting is not lazy. It is not procrastination. You are doing nothing wrong by resting. It is equally important as the physical doing. Life must remain in balance, A dance of balance. Take a moment and tune into yourselves and your lives. Is there balance between the being and the doing? If there is not, ask yourself what changes you could make to create more balance. Do not see this as something else on your should do list. Do not be overwhelmed by this task. We are asking for but a moment for you to gift yourselves a moment. What is it that you need in this moment that would bring balance?
We will leave you now to ponder and feel your answers. Trust your guidance dear ones, for your soul knows you best.
Much love and many, many blessings

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